2022, Facebook Group, new testimonials.
Hello everyone. Hope you're doing well besides everything cruel the world has to offer right now.
Life is hectic nowadays as I do this on the side...
Books and product recommendations.
I can't even begin to explain how important books has been during my recovery. Here are my top recommendations.
Pelvic massage
Here's a pelvic massage that actually works which helped me greatly.
Start att beginning of the pelvic floor, right where the pelvic floor starts...
Updates: Facebook Group, my identity, etc.
Hi everyone, hope you all are doing well under these strange covid- times. Some updates since last time down below. I'm sorry that I'm not updating...
2020 Update
It has been a long time since I made an update on this blog. I spend most of my time today coaching people. But since I've got a couple of question...
The first thing you should do: Look if your problems could be from an inflammation
Alright, please do me a favor. Before continuing reading this post. Google:" Hard Flaccid, Prostatitis". You'll get some results right? Some of you...
Let me improve your condition massively in 30 minutes.
I know the feeling I had when I acquired hard flaccid and read about all the people who never got well. Let me tell you this, they never got well b...
The anterior pelvic tilt.
The first one that made me realise HF is a pelvic issue was a guy called obitoo on pe forum. He said in one of his posts that he believe 100% of ...
Hard Flaccid - Stretches
As the title says. Yes, it will be a part of your recovery. Many today however, view it as the most important thing to do in order to heal from i...
The positive indicators
To overcome this you need to pay close attention to the negative and positive indicators. It's about putting your self in position in a lane where...
The negative indicators
Here are some of the negative indicators that you'll need to know about. The first thing I want to remind you of is this: When they pop up after ...
When you think you've won.. The importance of being humble during positive progress.
If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same. - Rudyard Kipling.
I read a book about the billionaire Ca...
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