Books and product recommendations.

I can't even begin to explain how important books has been during my recovery. Here are my top recommendations.


 This one might be the best book written on pelvic pain.

 Awesome, awesome book.

  The first book I read once I understand that hard flaccid was pelvic related. Great book, some of the routines are too lengthy.

Some great recipes within this one!

Tony was the first one I turned to when I was feeling sorry for myself, he helped me to take control over my mind again when I was at my lowest. He's truly amazing.

A life changing book. Eckhart will teach you how to live in the now and be present. If you get good at this, you'll be able to enjoy life no matter what. This book also be extremely valuable if you're experiencing anxiety right now.  



Rumble Roller, and the yogu balls are so good when it comes to trigger point therapy. You could also use a big bottle filled with warm water or a tennis ball if you're on a budget!